The modern business entity, be it a simple corner store operation to larger companies and major international corporations must have in place an effective managerial infrastructure before a business operation can be performed successfully.? In an effort to effect the role of the organization or institution major corporation, an intensive, ongoing study into the components of corporate management culture was established in colleges and universities everywhere, commonly known as organizational behavior theories.
Predicated on the basis of behavioral principles, organizational behavior theories are the constant analysis and creation of procedures intended on current performance and innovation in performance.? This is done through employing the primary principles of the analysis of human behavior in the environmental atmosphere, be they for profit or not for profit entities, governmental agencies, industrial institutions or corporate structures.
The ultimate aim of organizational behavior theories is to create an instrument of wide range production enhancement through an evolving structured business or business like environment in such a manner as to create a pleasant atmosphere for employees and the business entity will be able to realize its primary objective, or surpass on that primary objective.
Through the interactions between managers, psychologists and therapist workers, management models for organizational behavior theories are structured about various models for the enhancement of effective management and production such as performance management and the analysis of behavioral systems.? Other forms of such management include but are not limited to engineering of behavioral systems, psychology, and engineering on an industrial scale.
Those that obtain an organizational behavior PhD will find their careers in a number of such career? fields such as employment within governmental or business organizations or perhaps continue a career in research and development of organizational behavioral sciences. There is a vast array of social science courses relevant to the organizational behavior PhD like micro organizational behavior for example.? This field of study will consider the view point of the manager to the organization and the organizational viewpoint, that being the individual worker to the manager.
Through the use of psychological and sociologic models of study systems, the organizational bevavior PhD. Holder will be able to evaluate the various elements of the individual, how they relate to the organization, the task at hand and the interaction between the manager who represents the primary objectives of the organizational goal structure and the front line worker.? Through the use of mathematical statistics and individualized psychological study of the worker, a management model is thus evolved by observance and application.
The organizational behavior PhD permits the scholar to have an ever present interaction with the institution as the economic, political an social climate are constantly changing which in turn translates to the objectives of both worker and organizational policy maker.? As mentioned earlier in this article, Micro management principles are heavily utilized by the organizational behavior PhD who will consider various aspects of the organization and the individual, suggesting models predicated on those observances such as group behavior and the individual, conflict resolution and dynamics, effective interpersonal communications, learning within the organization, responsibility of the social atmosphere within the organization, social structures, influence through communication, policy creation, effective deicion making, and group and individual motivation and how to bring these elements together in such a fashion as to make individual, group and organizational objectives flush with each other.
Through observances at ground level organization and individual workers to management trends and outside influences on the organization, organizational behavioral theories are constantly being utilized, enhanced and altered to suit the ever changing business environment both from outside of the organization and the dynamic of the group within the business to achieve the goals together and not singularly.
Photo: business ? copyright 2007, Yarl ? reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:View_of_Wall_Street.jpg
Source: http://www.articlesboulevard.com/organizational-behavior-theories.html
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